The company under the name “LETNBUY MARKETING & ADVERTISING LTD” With Company Registration Number: HE 394249 based in Limassol, Cyprus, welcomes you to its website “”.

Our website promotes and promotes products and services from third-party suppliers that the user may purchase from the third-party Vendor with which the respective user will communicate directly with him through the information published by the third-party vendor and under the terms described below, which the user of the site fully and unreservedly accepts.

These Terms and Conditions are a legally binding agreement between us and you but in no way create any partnership, employee-employer relationship, joint venture or organization.



When you visit or browse our site, you do not require any personal information from the visitor.

When you register on our website for either purchase or sale, our Company collects the personal information you provide, such as your name, phone number, email address and address. This information will be stored securely by our Company and will in no event be given to any third party unless your written consent is given prior to exceptional circumstances such as if required by law to do so or if you breach the terms and conditions and our conditions.

In addition, some information about your computer software is automatically collected from our Website and includes, among others, the type of browser, domain, ip, access times, and web addresses. This information is used to ensure the smooth operation and quality of the services we offer.

When you no longer wish to use our services you may ask us to delete all of your personal data and we will do so without any delay.

Our marketing department may request your explicit consent to send you newsletters and / or various offers for various products. If you give such express consent you may revoke your consent at any time by contacting us at or through the contact form on our website.

The security of your personal data is very important to us and for this purpose we maintain robust, electronic and procedural mechanisms in order to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.


We use cookies and analytics services to help us analyze web traffic data and thus improve our site.

A cookie is a small file that is placed on an Internet-enabled device in order to identify the device on repeated visits and in turn to enable the features and functions of a website.

Cookies do not give us access to your computer and we do not disclose information other than the data you share with us through web forms or other inputs. Web browsers are usually set to accept all cookies automatically, but you can modify your browser to reject cookies.

Some parts of our site are only accessible by company staff and users who can log in using their username and password. This secure access system uses cookies but these cookies are only used for authentication and not for any other purpose. Cookies are deleted when each session ends. The logs of the date / time / user ID of all sessions are logged and can be used for troubleshooting purposes.

Our systems automatically record all requests for access to web content, including the IP address. This is the usual operation of web service technology and is used only for troubleshooting purposes.

We use the following cookies:

_SESSION_username, Unique conferencing token, allows us to store information about your session (language, referral, landing page, etc.). Persistent for 3 hours since your last visit.

_SESSION_avatar, Your congressional avatar, used in many places throughout the site. Persistent for 3 hours since your last visit.

_SESSION_email, your congressional email address that is used at many locations throughout the site. Persistent for 3 hours since your last visit.

_SESSION_userlevel, your Conference User Level, used to accept or deny access to certain areas of the site. Persistent for 3 hours since your last visit.

_SESSION_uid, Unique token, your conference user ID allows us to store information about your session (language, referral, landing page, etc.). Persistent for 3 hours since your last visit.

_SESSION_last, Unique token, no data held, identifies your last visit to our site (day, time, IP). It is used to keep your login session alive. Persistent for 30 minutes since last visit.

A cookie about Google’s demographics and visitor’s interests is also posted by Google Analytics.

You can opt out of this cookie by following the link below.

LangCookie: LangCookie Adds an extra “Cookie” field to the Language Negotiation settings, allowing the language to be set according to a cookie.
PHPSESSID: This cookie is used to store a logged in username and a 128bit encrypted key. This information is required to allow a user to stay logged into a web site without having to submit their username and password for each page visited. Without this cookie, a user cannot access areas of the web site that require authenticated access.
_atuvc: This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget
This widget is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms.
_atuvs: This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget that is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content across a range of networking and sharing platforms



By using our site you represent that you are at least 18 years old.



Our company has the right to modify our privacy policy or the terms and conditions at any time. Any changes made will be effective immediately upon posting. Our company will immediately notify you of any changes. If for any reason you do not agree to any change you reserve the right to terminate our use of the Website and request that your personal data be immediately deleted.




When you sign up for our site you indicate a unique username, email and password. Each user is allowed to have only one account. When a user signs up, he undertakes and commits himself to providing true, valid and complete information as well as to maintain and update his registration information to keep it true and valid.




You may advertise any legitimate product or service on our Website. Illegal products and / or services will not be accepted and in such case our company reserves the right to take legal action against you in order to secure any legal right.

Users of the Website also acknowledge that any information posted on any product or service will not contain content that is unlawful, threatening, racist, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, anti-fair or inappropriate or may cause harm to minors. in any way. The transmission of any information that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of third parties, contains software viruses or in any way violates applicable Cypriot law and European law.

Users are obliged when posting such ads to be true, valid and complete and are solely responsible for the content and any consequences that may result from their ads.

Users are obliged to abide by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Cyprus regarding the rights to sell, rent, rent, procure and promote in relation to objects, property and services.

In no event will our Company be liable for any false or inaccurate information published on our website for any product or service or property including any financial damage or loss or any special direct or indirect or consequential damages suffered by users in any of their transactions.

Mail and communication in any way between users including payment, transaction and delivery between users as well as other terms, guarantees associated with these transactions are the sole responsibility of the users and our company has no responsibility.

Our company reserves the right to refuse and remove any posting on our site that infringes the rights of any other person or that may constitute a criminal offense or would lead to civil liability or violate any other law of the Republic of Cyprus and European Law.




On our site you can post only real estate ads within the Republic of Cyprus. Any posting on our site is at the sole responsibility of the individual user and our Company can in no way be considered as an authorized real estate agent and does not provide any assistance either with consulting or otherwise with real estate transactions.

Any user, whether natural or legal, submits a property advert on our website whether for sale or rent is obliged to provide true information. Our company reserves the right to remove any false statements or misleading entries without notice.

Interested property buyers are also required to ensure that the information on the property they are interested in purchasing is true and correct and take all necessary steps to make it a lawful Buyers Act. Our company advises interested buyers to always seek legal advice from registered attorneys in order to secure all their legal rights.

Our company is not liable for any damages of any kind arising from the purchase or sale of real estate by ads posted on our site.




The service of our site is for ads and ads only. All ads must be pre-paid prior to publication and cancellations or cancellations are not refundable.

Our company reserves the right to increase or decrease its service charges at any time.




Companies using our services and posting ads on our website must publish the company registration number in accordance with the provisions of Law No.103 (1) / 2007 on Unfair Business Practices to Consumers Act 2007.

In the case of real estate ads by real estate agents it is the responsibility of the real estate agent to state his company registration number and the exact name of his company in accordance with the provisions of Law N.103 (1) / 2007 on Unfair Business Practices to Consumers Law of 2007.

In case of non-compliance with the above, our company bears no responsibility and reserves the right to refuse to post such advertisements.




Our site contains ads and content that is posted by you and other users. This content is protected by copyright and international law. By using our site you agree that you may not copy, distribute or modify any content on our site without first obtaining the written consent of our company.

You also agree not to reproduce, copy, sell or resell in any way whatsoever any content on our site that is not yours.

In many cases, our site may require third party assistance to supplement data about an ad you post such as for example motor vehicle ads. Such data can be descriptions, specifications, models, dates and generally any other information that may help your ad. However, such data may be subject to copyright, trademark or any other protection. However, our company is not responsible for any incorrect information provided by third party subscriptions. If you find any inaccuracies or incorrect information please contact our company. However, you continue to be responsible for ensuring that your ad is submitted with the right information and content.




When you access our site from a browser type of a mobile device, all of the terms listed on our site apply.

When you download the application from our site from GOOGLE’s PLAY STORE or APPLE’s APP STORE you also agree that you must comply with the terms and conditions set forth on our site.

In some cases the implementation of our site may not have the same functionality as our site.

When downloading the application, you must comply with all third party agreement terms. Also by downloading the app you are solely responsible for any damage or loss to your mobile device that may result from using the app.




Except for user-created ads on our Website and all copyrights on the Website are the sole property of our company or its rightful owners.




Our site may have links to third-party sites. In these cases our company will have no liability whatsoever for the content of these web sites so users who visit such sites do so at their own risk.




Access to certain content on our site from foreign countries may be illegal and users from third countries do not have the right to access such content. They also undertake to comply with the various laws of their country.




The use of our site is governed by Cypriot law, international law and European law. The Courts of the Republic of Cyprus have jurisdiction to resolve any dispute.